"A dog is man's best friend, and vice versa"
This is my 13 year old dog Schnee. She's German Shepard/Lab mix.
She passed away quickly and in my arms.
Schnee and me at Washington Park in Denver, summer '98.
Now... about this page...it's for keeping up-to-date with all of my friends all over the world! From friends & family in Canada to my friends I left behind in Colorado, and friends from Escola Americano of Rio de Janeiro, And, of course, about Radiohead and a few other favorite bands.
My friend's links:
Other Friends:
Nixta, a recently married man, Mr. Igor Furness - go check out his site.
Visit Mr. Phil Penn's site at Where he has nothing but nice things to say about me!
The Cafeand ThenSomeWhere I moonlight as a bartender. Find me under the Family Album page, Staff link. A comedy dinner theater making fun of the locals.The Class of 1983 website from RIO DE JANEIRO EA SITE Lot's of old friends here
Here is the cover of OK Computer complete with all the boyz' autographs.
!"The 1st autographs on The Bends (thom & jonny). I did get to share a bottle of champagne with him in the door way of the Mercury Cafe in Denver
Check out my Radiohead tattoo, yes, this is an old photo taken back around 1995.
Spacehog (check out my changes in hair - red, to platinum, now I'm blond)
Me w/Ant & Roy, 2/98..
..and with Jonny Craig
Some photos with 60ft Dollstaken in Boulder, CO. I still have those 20 shot glasses we drank purple hooters out of!
First of all, Carl who enjoys playing drums. We are still in touch. He informs me that sadly, the 60 Ft Dolls are no more. He's working on other projects.
Here we have Mike. Mike likes to play bass guitar, but has a violent tendency to break things whilst he does so.
And finally, we have Richard.
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Last Updated: January 2004- Thanks for coming!