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Welcome to Midi Space!!!

Welcome to the second homepage I have ever created! I will not name the first one because I have yet to update the thing and it looks far too terrible to list at this time =) I'm sure you can understand if you're a self-taught webmaster yourself. On this page you'll find hundreds of midi files. I'm not a big fan of country music or rap music so if you came here looking for that, sorry. I do, however, have hundreds of midi's ranging from classical to classic rock to heavy metal to death and black metal (my favs.. ooohh yeah). You can also find some rather rare midi files here, ranging from commercial theme music from the 70's to old (and fairly new) TV show theme music. Cartoon theme songs to movie theme music. Have fun.

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© gconrad 1997-1998 Midi Space was composed using windows notepad. All graphics created using Adobe Photoshop 4.0 & 5.0