Hey there!  Welcome to my website.  Isn't this exciting?   Hope you enjoy your stay here, and thanks for stopping by!



****You are now entering FuN CeNtRaL...watch your step, please....****


Ok, so here's where the fun begins.  Each little picture links you to another page, so if you see something that you like, feel free to click on it, and away we go!!!

Click on the lava lamp to visit my music page. 

Click on here for my wrestling page.  Toss me a couple o' cold ones and give me a Hell Yeah!

wwf.jpg (2030 bytes)

Come visit my quotes page...check out the little ditties I've gathered, for your viewing pleasure:

Click here.

And here are some other links that you might find kinda fun:


Columbia House

CD Now

E-Bay - a great place to buy and sell stuff online

Yahoo!  Auctions...or, if you just want plain yahoo!


TV Themes

Audiofind - to find some great MP3's

The New York Mets Official Site - Go Robin Ventura!!!

Here's a picture of him from their website.  He's such a cutie.  Let's Go Mets, kickin' it in '99!

Ventura.jpg (12850 bytes)        ventura1.jpg (54838 bytes)

Let's go Mets!  You've gotta do it guys, do it for your Shea faithful and Bobby V!

Well, here's where the fun ends. So if you'd like to tell me what you're thinking, please do so--I'd love to hear it. Email me by clicking on this thing right here: . Thanks, and have a great day!

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This site last updated on: October 5, 1999