
Portland Oregons Premier Pet Sitting Service
We are committed to providing the highest quality pet care that your pet and all animals deserve!
We take care of one customer at a time and guarantee our service.
For your convenience and peace of mind, all animals are walked around the area in which they live unless otherwise instructed.If you are going on vacation, or you are ill and you need someone to take care of your dog, cat, horse, rabbit lizard, snake,fish, farrett, hampster, parrot, frog, turtle, or tortoise, We can care for your animals while you are away!
Why Get A Pet Sitting Service
The contentment of having their own toys,
favorite sleeping areas, and secure hiding places.
Their diet, exercise and play routines will change far less drastically than if they were away from home.
Lessens Separation Anxiety:
Stress related diarrhea, vomiting, and chewing are minimized.
Eliminates exposure to communicable diseases of other animals.
Pet sitters can go check on Your home and pets any hour,
If You're concerned about anything.
No more coaxing Your pets into a carry cage, or lifting those heavy pet carriers in and out of the car for away visits.
Personalized Service:
Your pet gets the love and affection it's used to, from an experienced caregiver.
Guilt Free:
No need to impose on Your friends and families busy schedules.
We'll Also Help You With:
Maintaining Your pool, turning lights on for security,
bringing in Your mail and newspapers,
checking the home for signs of entry and watering Your plants.
Daily Updates:
Isn't it comforting to have daily updates on how Your
pets and home are doing while Your away?