Hello catastrophic of you to stumble upon our humble web site. In case you still have no idea where the web world has taken you, you are now about to enter Intoxicated's official home page. No, if you think this site is about a bunch of giggly girls in colored hair wigs telling the world how to drink and get drunk and happy, you're WAYYYYY off track! Intoxicated is a four piece girl band from Malaysia who plays fun music and likes to share their fun with the rest of the world. If you find that this does not sound like the site you're expecting, you are still welcome to visit our site.... fans, friends or fiends. We don't care. Just browse through and leave us a note on the message board or mail us or something. We love to hear from you!

[intro][bottom's up][catcadet][lyrics][our work][newz]
[message board][hot and not][borak-borak]
[picture galore][links]
[write us]

cats have had catnip so far ...