Hi, I'm Nick. I really love the Violent Femmes and a bunch of other shit. I go to a little tiny little baby community college in Southern California. I'm 19 years old and I'm a Capricorn. Lemme see...I'm about 6'2-6'3, and I weigh about 205 pounds. I've got big poofy red hair and blue eyes that apparently turn green when I'm horny (my ex-girlfriend told me). Some of my favorite movies are the Lion King, Pump Up the Volume, Stand By Me, the Shawshank Redemption, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and the Breakfast Club. I like to read. I like Stephen King, Richard Bach, and Anne Rice's porno books. My musical tastes include the Femmes of course, the Cure, Led Zeppelin, the Doors, Tori Amos, Nirvana, the Squirrel Nut Zippers, and right now I can't think of any others. Oh yeah, Green Day. I don't know jack shit about designing web pages so this probably looks like shit but that's okay.
E-mail me for no particular reason or if you wanna talk about the Violent Femmes or Nirvana or fucking Enya or any other kind of music or even if you wanna piss me off. I LOVE HATEMAIL!!! Or shit, send me a link to a funny page or something. Whatever, I don't care.
Oh yeah, I also collect live/rare recordings of some of my favorite bands so if you're into that, check out my list. If there's anything you like, e-mail me and we'll go from there.
Here is a bunch of links, maybe I'll add some more
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e-mail me for her number...
people have been here. ain't that some shit.
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