ThE SiLVeRcHaiR's FreAkY
this picture was taken from "A silverchair's page build it up for you in the year 2000".
Hi! My name is Audrey, I'm 20 and I live in Quebec, Canada. Welcome to my brand new silverchair page! As you can see, there is still a lot of work to put on this page but I'm going to do my best to make on this page all the information possibles about silverchair and I'll try to update it every day so it will be a good place for news on silverchair! Maybe you saw that my english is not perfect but don't be too cruel with me cause I'm french...
LaSt UpDaTeD:02/24th/2000
Silverchair NeWs!!!
june 27th 2002
Hey guys! It's been a while since last time I updated, I am so sorry for that, but I've been so busy and didnt have the time to join the net. As you probably all know, silverchair had to cancel the tour cos of Daniel's health problem. :( I just want to wish him a good and fast and complete recovery. I'm going to add new pictures as soon as I still can drop me a line for new ideas, or comments. And btw...I got a new website , check it out!
Click here
if you want to contact me by mail I also have another email at and if you want to have
yours, go to You are the Please sign my guestbook!
th visitor!