How fast is your modem?
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Choose YOUR Version

Note: The only difference is the Opening page. Other
pages contents are the same at this time. High graphics version contains graphics suitable
for 28.8K + modem, with cache enabled. And, has animation for Internet Explorer 4.0 only.
But, do not affect Netscape at all. When loading from NS 3.0, it's faster than IE4.0
because of no animation. Lighter Version is boring but much faster. Good for 14.4K modems.
If you got 28.8, then go for the High graphics and do not worry if you got a Netscape
browser or not. However, I like Internet Explorer's upcoming 4.0 better because...., bookmark the next page instead of this.
The High graphics version is ONLY less than 300KB. Not a monster site, but...try to
use I.E. whenever you can.
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