Hello, my name is Malcolm, but i'm also known as Smitty. Here's a bit about me, in case you don't already know!I live in Port Coquitlam, BC and I graduated from Terry Fox Secondary in 2000. I am currently attending Douglas College where i'm studying Business and Commerce. After I get my diploma i'll then transfer to SFU to complete my Bachelor of commerce Degree. I hope to major in Marketing and minor in General Business. I have friends and family all over the place, so this webpage is to try and keep them all updated on what I'm doing. I also have a twin brother named Graham.

I was born in South Africa on April 22, 1982, and I moved to Vancouver in 1994. I played football, rugby, & soccer in high school, but i just don't have the time anymore. I also play roller hockey if i've got time and the weather is good. I like snowboarding, track, and rollerblading. I have only been snowboarding a few times, but I'm learning quickly! My favourite hockey team is the Pittsburgh Penguins, and my favourite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. It's just a coincidence that they're from the same city! I love the Simpsons!
I mostly listen to alternative, but I do like a little bit of rap. My favourite bands are Metallica, Creed, P.O.D.,Linkin Park,and Seether (from South Africa!).
I have pics of most of my friends, but if you see this page and there are no pics of you, tell me! I have a nice one of my friend Josh doing the splits on his skis (Ski Trip Pics) also have a pic of my friend Rhoda playing with her furry little pet... (other pics).
I'll try and keep this updated as much as possible. Come back soon :) Mal
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