Welcome to insomniac! Art, Rock and Roll , and Pop Culture from a Christian perspective.
My name is Justin. And I am a college student working on an art history degree. (Just in case you were wondering) I am a Christian and I love art, rock & roll, sci-fi, and pop culture.  I will be posting links to band web sites, links to crazy sci- fi stuff, and writing about my ideas, beliefs, as well as things I have a problem with.  I will also try and post my own reviews of music, books, movies, etc. in the cool stuff section.   I am using this web page as a form of therapy, so please be patient. I don't get out much, so I'll have lots of time to update this. (Don't laugh, you know you're stuck at home too.)
Some of the bands that I'm really into at the moment... Agony scene, Aleixa, Anberlin, AP2,  Audio Paradox,  the Awakening, Beloved, Bleach,  Bon Voyage, Blindside, Chevelle, Circle of Dust, Cush, Deadlines, Deliverance,  Dashboard Confessional, Dead Poetic, Denison Marrs,  Echoing Green, Embodyment , Evanescence, Extol,  Fine China, Further Seems Forever, Guardian, Halo Friendlies, Holland, Iona, Juliana Theory, Level, Living Sacrifice, Mae , Mike Knott, Mortal, MXPX, Norma Jean, Payable on Death,  Poor Old Lu, Project 86, Rock & Roll Worship Circus, Regenerator, Saviour Machine, Sixpence, Starflyer 59, Soul Embraced, Still Breathing, Stretch Armstrong, Two Thirty Eight, Torn Skin, Undercover, Vigilantes of Love,  the Violet Burning, Wedding Party, and Zao.  These are just a few of the bands I like.  I'm also really into 80's new wave and punk stuff. (too many to mention here)
Get saved you heathen
Look at me! Look at me! See some of my favorite band web sites
Long ago, in a galaxy far away...
Cool, really, honest. I mean it.
I will try and update this site as often as possible with news about bands, music, myself, sci - fi stuff, ect. ect. ect. Please don't get frustrated if it doesn't get updated fast enough. I'm working as fast as I can don't rush me.
"But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you...                                                               (   Matthew 5:44 NKJV )
Last Updated: 06.29.03