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for any of u guys who are kind of lost
Funny Stuff
You Know You're In
California When...

The Redneck Driver's
Liscence Application

Redneck Christmas
Random (and useless) Facts
You Might Be A Redneck If...
Children's Books That
Will Never Get Published.

The Shit List
Creative Pizza Orders
     (courtesy of
George Carlin's Short Takes
George Carlin's Moments
Deep Thoughts From SNL
september 1

school starts in 2 days and counting. blech. i don't know when i'll update next. it's been 6 months since i last updated this time. so you can check out
my livejournal. my face the jury thing. or just im me at wishiskated or smellysockgirl.

cd's of sarah's summer:
- yellowcard - one for the kids
- taking back sunday - tell yr friends
- new found glory - self titled
- the used - self titeled
- hot rod circuit - sorry about tomorrow
- yellowcard - the underdog ep
- new found glory - sticks and stones
- thrice - the illusion of safety

love white rice and peace in the middle east.
Other Stuff
    (courtesy of
Archive of Updates
Upcoming Shows
Songs to d.load
All About Me
Pics of My Friends
Pics of Me
Inside Jokes
My Dictionary
No Secrets Allowed
Myself-esteem bootser