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I'm only new to this Home Page game...Please send me mail
telling me what you think about this page and how I might
improve it....thank you
- Audio-only music track using Logic Audio Platinum
for Windows (LAWP)
- MIDI-only sequence (for GM modules)
- Combination Audio+MIDI composition using Cubase
- Write a detailed account of how I solved my PC
stability problems
when getting LAWP working on my Gateway PIII
500MHz workstation !!
- June 1978
- First Class Honours - Royal Irish Academy of
Music - Pianoforte Grade VIII
- December 1999
- Finally got the guts to try to put music on the
WWW !!!
- Digital Recording Studio composing

- Spending hours (more like months !!) getting
intimate with Logic Audio Platinum for Windows,
Cubase VST Score, and Band-in-a-Box and
Powertracks Pro from PG Music
(yes they're good too and very affordable)
- PCs - pulling apart and getting into the
DMA, IRQ and IOs !! (what a madman !!)

- Real propeller head stuff this....and takes away
valuable time from my music pursuits (ggrrrrrrrr
- Apple Macintosh computers (if only I
could still afford them !)

- I was once a Mac-only 'snob'....alas, can't
afford the technology any more...have resorted to
(boy the soundcards are a real nightmare in the
PC world !)
- Astronomy

- ...you'll find me star gazing at 3am in my back
yard some nights. Saturn and Jupiter are my
favourites. They can be seen clearly with an
inexpensive telescope or a pair of 16 x 50
binoculars.....wow !!!!
Copyright : Alan F Doyle (December 11, 1999).
Last revised : December 29, 2003.