Welcome to Diamond Head Online.  This site aims to be the definitive guide to one of the leading NWOBHM bands, Diamond Head.  Here you will find things such as a biography, detailed discography, a large photograph archive and a sounds section where you can download rare Diamond Head tracks.  You can check out my personal Diamond Head collection HERE. At the bottom of this page you will find a news section, dedicated to bringing you the latest news on Diamond Head.  Please take the time to sign the Guestbook before leaving the site.  Enjoy the site. 


Site Updated : 9\1\2000, added a 'Guestbook'.
Site Updated : 8\1\2000, re-designed 'Singles' page, re-designed 'Band Members' section. Incorrect links updated.
Site updated : 7\1\2000, added more band member photos, more early group photos, more articles, plus two  rare and exclusive gig photos from 1979. Discography updated and Links page updated.
Site Updated : 4\1\2000 , added an 'Articles' page, added more 7" single scans. Links page updated, added 'Collection' page.


There are plans to release a new live Diamond Head album. The tapes used are those from the show at the Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall, November 21st 1991. This was part of a tour prior to the release of the 'Death and Progress' album. This features old tracks and early versions of those on the 'Death and Progress' and 'Evil Extras'. Those who saw the tour may also remember the Helpless medley which also featured bits from AC\DC, Focus and Deep Purple.
This has already been mastered and is waiting to go ahead. It will be released by Zoom records. News on this release will be posted as it becomes available.

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