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The Elko Hockey Association

Elko Varsity Team
From left Top Row: Collin Holliway, Christine Quesnel, Rick Manning, Wilton Burke, Benjamin Mach, Adam Stevermer, Michael Taylor.
Bottom Row: Coach Jim Wickens, Josh Vance, Jess Becker, Jonathan Baker. (Not pictured: Coach Matt Burwell, Jake Shumacher)

    The Elko Hockey association is a small organization that promotes the sport of Roller Hockey in the small Nevada town of Elko (27,000 people). In the summer the Hockey Association runs a league for the kids of Elko and Spring Creek. There are four divisions for the kids, and an adult recreational league. In the winter they run a high school team that travels to Carson City and Reno every other weekend to play the high school teams there. They are forced to travel so far because Elko currently doesn't have an indoor facility.
    The Elko Varsity Inline Hockey team recently wrapped up their third year, finishing 3rd in the regular season and 4th in the playoffs. The playoffs were quite a dissappointment to the team, as they played their best game of the year but ended up losing to Wooster High School 3-2 in the first round. Varsity Coach Jim Wickens and JV coach Gene TondiniIt was a sad loss as the team had to say goodbye to seniors Jake Shumacher, Jon Baker, Collin Holliway, and Christine Quesnel. Jake, Jon, and Collin have been with the team all three years and are a crucial part of the team. Jake was the captain and has been since day one. He was also the best player, and was team MVP for the year. Jon was a true leader, and brought a lot to the team in the dressing room as well as on the ice. He was an assistant captain and taught his teammates a lot about the game. Collin was also a good leader, one of the more vocal ones, and his playing ability, especially his speed will be missed next season. Collin and Jon were two of the most versitile players on the team, because they could play both forward and defense.
    Next years team figures to be pretty good, there are a few JV players that should make a significant impact on the team next year. Guys like Dan Trujillo, Chris Rodgers, and Marc Quesnel are figured to be on the Varsity team next year. If they continue to develop at the rate they have been they will be dynamite players in years to come. Dan is a freshman, and Marc and Chris are both in 8th grade.
    For the first time in the Association's three year history they put together a JV squad to help quickly develop the younger players so as to continue to put up competetive teams in future years. The JV team didn't win a game all year, but the improvement on behalf of all players was extreme.

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