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Well its been an interesting year so far. Its not been as busy as previous years playing wise, so i've concentrated more on diversifying my career. That's not to say that if Sting called, I wouldn't be there like a shot.

At the end of last year (2004), while teaching at the ACM, I was discussing with the Head of the Degree Programme the possibility of taking a BA Honours in Contemporary Music at the college. After a few enquiries I signed up for the course.

Its always been an ambition of mine to have a Degree in Music and also to produce a solo album. The opportunity was there so I have taken it. I started classes 6 weeks into the term last September, and its my intention to complete the course by Xmas 05.

Another ambition was to write and record a solo album. I asked the ACM if I could include the album as part of the Dissertation Project and they agreed. I've written 18 songs, 9 of which are nearly recorded, and hopefully the album will be finished by Xmas.

Songwriting has never been an avenue that I have thought about, but during a breakup in a relationship, I started to write down my thoughts. With the encouragement of some friends, I tried to turn them into lyrics, and with the help of a piano player, Ffion Wilkins, I came up with the melodies and harmony, and the songs started to take form.

I'm currently halfway through recording, and it's all done live, no programming. People are telling me that the tracks sound good. Because I like to play different styles of music i've included as many different styles as possible. I've included a Dance track, a ballad, a latin, a Drum and Bass, an indie and jazz tracks. I sing all the lead vocals, most of the BVs, play the drums and some guitar and keyboards.

This has been a project of passion, having never done this before. Hopefully it could be another string to my bow. It's true to say that in this business you have to diversify.