Welcome to my new web page based solely on the principles of truth, freedom, and the destruction of Jeff Gomach's ego!

The Reason:

The following names have been changed to protect the innocent from further persecution for their obvious incompetence.:

Jason Kusowski: 200 proof they said...no way I said...way they said.  (Witty away message)

Jeff Gomach: I doubt it, the distillation is impossible due to the third law of thermodynamics (sounds smart doesn't he!)


The Truth...so says AAPER:

from AAPER alcohol:

"We provide synthetic and natural fermented 190 and 200 USP Alcohol. Over the years, AAPER has carved a niche in the alcohol marketplace providing tax free and tax paid ethyl alcohol, specially denatured alcohol and laboratory solvents."

"Fuel and medicinal-grade alcohols are produced from commercial and residential organic wastes at a rate of approximately 500 gallons per week. The distillery has the current capacity to receive and store 3 to 5 tons of organic waste. The wastes are introduced to a 5000 gallon fermenter, the resulting alcohol is stored in a 2000 ton tank. By design, all waste products including post-fermentation mash and heat are both accounted for and integral components of the "closed-loop" system. Mash is fed to hogs whose excrement will be used for the production of the methane, while the waste heat will be piped underground to maintain the ambient temperature of the Biosphere."


Picture above: AAPER distillation schematic


The kick in the nuts:


-Azeotropic distillation is used to purify ethanol beyond 95%; benzene is the original co-distillate


-The third law law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of a system at 0K is 0.  no argument against the possibility of distilling ethanol should include the third law or any of it's interpretations or repercussions. if it does your a moron who thinks he knows to much. (sound like anyone you know?)


Well I think that is sufficient enough proof...if you too would like to aid in our pursuit

 to bring down the super ego that is Jeff Gomach

just sign our guestbook.


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