New Gothic Role Playing Game!!
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Looking for a new game?
Never Role Played before?
Perhaps we can help you!
You can know me as Savant Goth.  I am setting up a new Role Playing Forum.  It's so new it's not even been named yet but the details are been hacked out.  You see, I finally got sick of game masters that would change rules on you quite randomly, and when they would change the rules they wouldn't take other things into consideration.  So, I decided to start a forum of my own.  Now, you might be wondering if I know what I'm doing.  Believe me, I do.  I have role played in some form or another for 5 to 6 years.  I can't remember which right now.  I have also served as a Game Master for Vampire: The Masquerade.  At this very moment I role play two characters over three role playing forums.  Want to know more?  Well look below.
Sometimes this life likes to get you down.  Role Playing Games (henceforth known as RPG) is a way to get away from all that.  It stimulates the imagination and this forum will allow you to call upon the deepest recesses of your imagination.  In this RPG I would love to see new ideas for characters within the guidelines.  This will be my first stab at a forum director so cut me some slack.  The game will increase in breeds and masteries as I and the other handful of people working on this project get settled into the rules and roles.  As it stands now we have Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Mortals, we're allowing the three Phoenix, and of course to add conflict, a band of Hunters!  Dice and Character Sheets are forthcoming... they are in the works and I'm working on this when I have time, which is more free time on my hands then I like or should have (knows she's doing SOMETHING wrong).  If you're interested or want more information please feel free to email me at savantgoth@geocities.comI would love to hear from you!  I will have the email addresses of others you can contact on here soon (soon means when you people email me so much that I don't have time to answer all of you or read all of it!  But don't worry, that's good and what I want).
I need you help now.  Even if you aren't interested in playing it would still be appreciated!  send email to DemonicaB@aol.comconcerning these questions.  If you would, for these question title the email What I Like That way the person overseeing this little project of naming and the like won't accidentally delete your email thinking it was Spammers.  She gets so much junk email it's not funny, so don't forget the title.
1) If you were to think up a cool name for a bar or cafe or club what would you name it (pick three please):
                           e)The Reaper
                           i)The Concourse
                           k)Club O- (The - means negative so essentially it would be Club O Negative)
                           l)Mardi Gras Cafe
                           m)The Hideout
                          q)The Looking Glass
(Now I know some of these are flat out stupid!  We just had to come up with ideas so we threw these out.)
Now, on to the next question... Where would be a cool country or state, and city to hold this game.  If you're a Louisiana traditionalist that's cool.  I believe I am at heart too!  Even though I once GMed a chapter of Vampire: The Masquerade with the location being in Las Cruces, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas) So, just tell Demonica what you think is cool! Also email her with made up city name suggestions or places if you can think of any!  I'm eager for ideas here, especially if you're are wanting to play here when we get this set up!
2)What would make a neat location for this game?
                           a)Louisiana -- New Orleans            or
                                                     A made up city with a made up name
                           b)New York -- New York               or
                                                      A made up city with a made up name
                           c)Japan -- Tokyo
                           d)Ireland  or Scotland-- Some made up city
                            ------}@  Ideas for made up places and/or cities -- Santara, Shannon,                                     Villa du Noir, Adumbra, Eidola, and Sharon
I guess that's really all for now.  Keep a look out because, hopefully, soon this page will be converted into a page full of links to the game with it's own message boards and the like if America Online goes ahead with this.  If they don't then it will still change and be full of links to private rooms and this page will be linked to other pages!  Either way, this game is happening.  If you have any questions at all about anything that an email address isn't given above for then please send all queries to .  He'll be happy to answer as many questions as he can based off the details we've gathered so far!
If any of you hoodlums that know me personally and want to help me with this by becoming STs or BBSTs or SAVs (the replacement for ANTs).   I would greatly appreciate your help (::coughs Gage, Zach, Zoe, or whoever else I've invited to help with this.  Jesse and Beth you are exempt because I've already talked with you guys).  If you're up to it, and it won't be nearly as much work as the ANTs have to do, send email to please entitle it HELP.  Thanks!
Always and Forever,

Clandestine? Perhaps...but not yet.

Bonsoir! Welcome to this page!

The Little Black Book
Veiw the Little Black Book