Its just like Comedy Central, Just take out the Comedy and put boredom in.
Im so hungry, I could eat at Arbys!
Yawn, my page is borin, just borin...
Here's all the stuff in the webpage.
Dec. 21, 2004: Ho Ho Ho... Merry Everyone! This is a message from the sovereign tribal nation of the Tiki Wakas. In the tribe of the Tiki Wakas, the yule log is replaced my the mathematical term of natural log (ln), and everyone sits around the table and everyone has pi/6 radians of a pie. Instead of wrapping and unwrapping presents, we derive and antiderive them. When you get a polynomial for chirstmas from your significant other you know you are getting serous. If you think the Tiki Wakas' Christmas is harsh, the Tiki Wakas' Hanukkah is done in base 8. Harsh.
Nov. 25, 2004: You fuckers hate America don't ya? Damnit, America is gonna die because the gays make you icky. Fuckin' A. It has also been brought to my attention (via guestbook) that I will burn in hell. Well sorry but the Tiki Wakas don't deem your faith to be valid, and the faith of the Tiki Wakas is such that hell is made up of calculus problems... but I LIKE calculus. So I win either way. Who-Hoo! Derivative of the intergral of X equals X!
May 02, 2003: Uhh... weirdy people stop signing my guestbook. It hurts my head and makes me think too much, thus aleviating the purpose of this website. Remember there is no First Amendment here because the Tiki Wakas have no set constitution. And yes I do realize the irony of the above picture with this message.
Parlez-vous français? Confessions of a cheater
Look at Faux Pause, it's my not-book
Read a little play I like to call Titanic2
I have started writing poems.
The Vocabluary word of the week.
A really really funny parody of the dice game Yahtzee, I like to call it, Nazi!
Well here is my list of Good Music , And then their is the Terrible Smelly Poopy
6 8 9 10 very needed facts to live in the world.
All of my song parodies.
My first article... it's about numbers in band titles 182
Some terrible gameshow parodies, all involving Drugs!
If you wanna know about me, I, myself, and how I am the Queen of the Universe then you would want to click on the blue part, I guess, or you could just keep reading this thing. Why are you still reading? Click on the link and stop reading!
What do you get when you combine Math III, the "alpha" feature on your calculator, and Full House??? You get this.
Stephi and I have our own political party now. See the Wah-Wah-Wah-Wah-Wah Party Platform
NEW 05/23/04 Game ON! Theo's Hockey Stats O' Magic* - (*Not really magic)
It's the trendiest, the coolest, and easiest religion ever. Yes, even easier than Buddhism. Bible 2K1
Should the world be more like the "Weakest Link"? Find out why it should be.
A new study done by the Boredom Central Research Centre, shows that a "Bulimic Lisa" is better and prefered than and "Anorexic Moose".
Jerry Springer-isms

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All material on this website is copyright Theo "Kue", and all its entities of its estate. Copyrights also extend to anyone else mentioned in each section. This website was started in 1997. All Fanmail can be sent to All hate mail can be sent up your ass, but sent a cc to the same address, they're humerous to read.