But wait - from out of nowhere it appears - the "holy grail" of cd collecting - the cd you
didn't expect to run across that day ...if ever. You fumble for it like a kid going coo-coo
for co-co puffs! You grab that cd with such a grip your knuckles increasingly turn white.
You keep the "grip-o-death" on that cd for it may just leap out of your hands and back into
the cd bin without ever being found again.
Sound familiar? "No" - go to another website; you won't have fun here. "Yes" -
congradulations; you've come to the right place; you will have fun here.

Here, at Metal Maven, Inc., you can view my current private compact disc collection,
get all the updated news about current and upcoming releases, re-issues, and band releases,
view my current compact disc want-list, and have access to a free search service at your
disposal to search. I guarantee I can get some pieces that you've pretty much written off
your want-list because of the difficulty in locating them. Just you wait and see!

And as a new feature . . . I can now manufacture cd-r's for anyone that has an
interest in obtaining copies of any of my compact discs in my collection . . . or cd you
supply me with. I am currently not able to create any artwork for the cd-r's - just the disc
recording. I am not into creating cd-r's for money but rather using them in-trade for cd's
that I want. I feel that there are many titles in my collection that other collectors and
music lovers would like to have copies of. Look through my collection and if you see any
titles that you'd like to have on cd-r . . . just let me know and we can work something out.
On the flip-side . . . being the "anal" collector that I am (hardy-har-har . . . no jokes
please) . . . I am not interested in otaining any cd-r's or bootlegs for my personal collection
therefore I am not interested in trading for cd-r's or bootlegs. I am only interested in
obtaining official releases for my personal collection and for other traders. I hope this
clears up any possible future-deal confusion in this matter. Thanks for your understanding and
continued support!

CD's for trade/sale:
Here is where I will occasionally list duplicate cd(s) I have available for trade or sale.
These are all original pressings and in excellent to mint condition unless otherwise noted.
If you are interested in any of the titles listed please notify me a.s.a.p. via e-mail . . .
as the one you want might be gone soon. Also . . . please remember that I deal in many
obscure out-of-print rarer titles on cd so a higher cost/trade ratio is usually associated
with these cd's. These cd's are typically in high demand around the world from cd collectors
thus constituting the value(s) of the disc(s).
Ruffians | Ruffians (German / SPV Low-Price Serie) |

All materials contained in the Metal Maven, Inc. ™ web site are copyright © 1999 Metal Maven,
Inc ™ ® . The content presented herein may not under any circumstances be distributed in
any way or form without prior written permission. This page was purely created by,
maintained by and irregularily updated by John Brodsky.