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welcome to matt ruggeri's pretty lame website

Some Lame stuff About me- Ladies, I have a Roundish figure, and Blue eyes.....oh... uhh ....sorry, i thought this was a personals page!! Well, let’s face it, you’re not here for me now, are ya?? I am 32 years old, engaged, and soon to be married! YIKES! Hoping for Kids soon too! You came for all the cool stuff, so I’ll make this quick. I was born, and raised, and still live in a little town called Newport RI.  I am self-employed as a Live Sound Engineer, and Own a Sound System.
I'm a Part-Freelance-Part-TimeBass Player, these days. playing occasionally with Barry Cowsill & US1, and a local (Extremely)Part-Time Original/Cover-Rock outfit called Subject to Change.
I also do freelance computer repair(hint-hint for work!!) I am also a HUGE Beatles, Tenacious D, Simpsons, and Family Guy fan. Well that’s enough about me, (for now). Check out my updated links page!!  

A side note about the site -  About 9 years ago, It was home to 3 bands: Pentane (now kickin' ass as - 58Fury, out in Portland Oregon), The Chaos Twin, and a side project called-Frankie the Drill. All of which I played in, co-produced, and co-wrote a good majority of the material. They all have their own respective websites these days. It was also a temporary home to a TON of Newport, RI bands, (kind of like a pre-myspace.com). I could go into the stories behind everything, but it's waayyyy too boring! 


-I know what you're saying, where's the cool stuff??-

well, here's the latest news- I've actually got a few new songs posted! Check out the Downloads Link, and listen! I'm in the midst of overhaulin' and simplifying the site, so be patient!  Like everything else in my life, I'll procrastin..... Proud to say just Completed two more songs, stay tuned they'll be here soon enough!! 


this page is dedicated to the memory of my Dad
you will never be forgotten.

Dad-Army Circa 1952

Happy Birthday Dad, I Love You!! and I Miss You!!
Victor R. Ruggeri
5/13/31- 5/31/2000

Some of my Creations-
Thanx to Geocities free webspace program, i have webspace to post some tunes. Follow the link to the
master download page here.




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this site has been nominated for the- for outstanding achievment in dead links!

you are person # who has paid attention to me since 1/5/1998!!