Rockbottom Life
More Stuff
    More Bullshit
    Even More Bullshit
    Yet More Bullshit
    Another site
something lame

Pic of the Day

Random Design

 What I've learned about "Corporate America" regarding salary. They want to pay you, the working stiff, as little as possible. If you are one of those who had a job else where making a decent salary, the company is less likely to hire you stating "You're over qualified", simply because they are afraid in the future you may want a raise.

 It's disgusting that the cost of everything is climbing, yet wages are holding at a height barely above minimum wage. At what point do the employees stand up and shout "This is BULLSHIT!!!!!?

 I saw a commercial on TV that was pitching "Take a vacation" and use our website to do so. The pitch began with a well dressed CEO type in a big corner office with lots of windows, looking directly into the camera and thanking you. Thank you for all of your hard work, the anniversaries, birthdays you've missed, the relationships that went into the toilet and basic slaving you've done, so that he/they, could enjoy the fruits of your labor. The vacations in Mauii, mid-week golf at that swank country club. Thank you.

 As I watched this, I thought to myself and laughed, man, how true is that. Then I got pissed. So many of us bust our ass for "the other guy", and what do we get?

 If we stand up we get slapped down, dismissed as some "bitter soul", some "crumudgened".

 At what point do we stand up to "Corporate America", give them the finger, and say "Fuck You"?

  If you're not "On top" you're "Rockbottom". Welcome to the site.-- ,,!,

Site News April 24,2006
Ok, so here is a sneak peak at the look of the site. This is just a general layout, nothing really functions as of yet. I'm still looking at various hosting packages all the while trying to design the site, and even more, trying to work on all the graphics, logos, and all the rest of the crap.Fun fun. Again this is not the final look, just a peak and something other than that lame holding page that was there.

If you will notice to the left, there will be an area for sponsors, or as I call them, Ads. If you are intrested, please contact me at we'll have her up and running real soon. Thanks for the patience, and keep checking back in.