A glorious colour photograph of me! I am SO amazingly beautiful!!!!

Even if I do say so myself...heh...

 Welcome to my rather disappointingly shit website. What you see now is better than what I used to have here... But... It's still shite... Heh heh....

The reason for the aforementioned shiteness is that this site is still in developement... When I can be bothered that is... I've got other sites to work with, you know!!!

Well, enjoy this site - some sections are half finished. However, I warn you that you can find better information about the topics discussed here on other websites, as I've only started work on this shit recently.Because I am a sadist, you have to endure looking at a photo of me all the time that you're on this website...

If you're young and female you would of course enjoy looking at my beautiful body and total lack of fashion sense..

So... foolish one... here are the contents of this holy website dedicated to egotistical self worship and the worship of only MY own interests...

 My Books  Main Page My Videos
 Photos  My Interests  My Records