Welcome to my page.

First of all, my name is Roel Teves, I live in Las Vegas, born and raised in Philippines. I love
drawings and some graphics stuff. All the graphics on this site were done by using Paintshop Pro 6.02 and 7, check out some interfaces I have made with PSP. I started using PSP about 2 months now, some graphics I've made learned from Richie Dumlao's  tutorials a.k.a. "pinoy7" he has a lot of good tutorials and tips, I recommend to check his site out.

Some links are still under construction. Keep checking back as I'll be putting up some tutorials, and thank you for stopping by.
All the graphics on these site are copyrighted, may not be copied or downloaded without written permission by roetevs, except the freebies section. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send your email to roetevs@yahoo.com.

                                                  © copyright 2000 roetevs
since july 2000