~*e R i N' s   TORTURE chamber*~
Hey peoples.  I hope everybody's doing fine and dandy.  I'm doin good.  I just started school and I've already had job offers.  I don't know what Josh is up to, I don't talk to him much anymore...but i still love the fucker.  Our daughter is growing so fast, she'll be 3 months on Mar 19; she's smiling, cooing, and she laughed for the first time the other day..it's so awesome.  Other than all that, I usually go out every weekend and hang out with the boys (HI KEVIN AND MIKE!! I love you guys!)  Anyhow, if you're a single guy living in the Lawton area, hit me up...I am single you know =]

aim: punkgrl203

p.s.  IM ONE SEXY BEOTCH!!! (mmmwah!)
My pics
My Poetry
You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper.
-Robert Alton Harris

Love is composed of one soul inhabiting two bodies.

The weak can never forgive.  Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
-Mohandas Gandhi

You may delay, but time will not.
-Benjamin Franklin
(keep the last one in mind Josh)
My page for Josh
James's Page
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NOTE:  Anything that is on this webpage is expressed through personal opinion and if you don't like it, get the fuck out =P
Now this is art!
My Favorite bands and stuff
Taylor's Page (NEW!!!!)
MY art (NEW!!!!)