Hello, my name's Peter Coffey and this is my web site. I want to try and make this into the sort of place where if someone has something worth writing, then I'll stick it up. The main reason, this is taking so long is becasue I'm quite busy at the moment.

It's my homepage so I can kick it about how I like. I don't expect anyone to follow my train of thought, but if you run along side it when you fall off you can jump back on again. Rather than bore you to death with the blindingly obvious, why don't you GUESS what I like. Oh, go on. Some less obvious things may be found here.

I'm also going to have this page accesible to all my mates so anyone who knows Darren "Fmonger" Shinkins should pop along to his site now. In fact it could be a real, St Marks old school thing. A recent wannabe to make the grade is Steve Little. However all my mates at University shouldn't feel left out, look at this pair of rather nice wannabe furs! Dave Jackson gave them to me (hi Dave!) Aren't they cool? Also here are some amusing .gifs donated by my mate Shannon "too much time on his hands!" Wani!

Moose are absolutely excellent creatures I'm sure you agree. Mother Nature's hatrack as it were. Hence there will be what could seem like an unfortunately large amount of references to them. Moving rapidly on, let me devote some time to my favourite subject, me! I'm a 1st year Chemistry student at York University ["Second highest in the League Tables! Hoorah!"] and I live in Langwith college. Which is a charming little place if you're a believer in the "concrete domino block" school of architecture. Anyway, I thought I'd include a table with ratings of all the nice places to eat and drink on campus and in the city, I should warn you, that this list is massively incomplete! Also my grasp on street names is just worse than my grasp of Quantum physics!

Places To Eat
Name Location Rating Comments
Cappucino Café Off Parliament Street 2/5 Go if you like Orange and Student discounts
Victor J's Off Parliament street 4/5 Good but expensive
Freshers Café By Uni Library 1/5 Err.... It's close?
Club Derwent Derwent College 2/5 Open more often then the rest of campus. + NonGM!
Bakers OvenNear Parliament Street2/5Manages to make baked goods taste bad. Oh dear.
PoppinsAgain near Parliament Street2/5Brown, so Emma liked it!
WazobiaCamden3/5Nigerian food. Spicy.

Recommendations for "Places To Eat."


Last Updated 02/06/99 Pete