Welcome to Neon Gypsy's Home of The 80's Babes!
~A page that will have only the BEST of the men of the 80's.Of corse it will take time to get it up. I am running another home page,(The House of Spandex and HairSpray..Hi it's me Lipsticc!)and it takes alot of time to keep up. But as soon as I get free time,I'll have picture up all over.~
~A little about what I'm going to do, I'll take pictures from other sites and edit out a singel guy and post it on his page. Thus I'm not takeing other peoples pictures,and I'll use mine from my other site as well.Of corse there will be links to the pages where I find the org. pictures.~
~I hope ya all enjoy this site,and come back and see us!~
[The Guys I have So Far!]
~ Tom Keifer ~ ~ Nikki Sixx ~
[Pretty cool so far...Look for more!]
~*Our First link(Cinderella pic above befor edited)*~
~*Amazon's Cinderella Page*~
E-mail me in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me. |
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