Hey! ~ I'm glad you could visit!
Hi - Thanks for visiting. Some info. about me -- I graduated from IUP (Indiana Univ. of PA) with a degree in Management Info. Systems and now work as a Systems Consultant with First Consulting Group - a company near Philadelphia, PA. FCG contracts me to other companies to which I provide programming skills and database support.
Some of my interests: Skiing, running, inline skating, sculpture/pottery/art, scuba(although I haven't done this yet -- I'm planning on getting certified soon!), and traveling, traveling, traveling and traveling!
CPT203 Assignments
River Bar Seafood Restaurant
Findlay Farmhouse
Tri-State Realty
Warner Peripherals
Millennium Computers
CIS Student Union Daily Schedule
Civil War Quiz
Juggling Association Convention
Check out my crabby friend animation
Some cool places and things to do! Chicago --the windy city - shytown - great place to have fun! Good restaurants, cool summer festivals, and the bars don't close until 5AM!South Lake Tahoe -- One word - SKIING!! Laguna Beach, California -- Its a great little artsy town right on the coast. One gallery features artwork by the artist Eyvind Earle who used to work for Disney. Another gallery to visit is Wyland's where you can take a virtual tour.The Blue Man Group This is a show in New York, NY that is unexplainable. You just have to go and see it! Cabo San Lucas, Mexico -- located at the tip of the Baha peninsula. Sammy Hagar frequently visits a bar there called Cabo Wabo!!London, England -- so much to see, so little time! But --you can take a virtual tour of the Tower of London.Well that's my list so far... and the end of my page so cheerio 'til next time. Hope you enjoyed your visit!
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