Hi! My name is Ame but i have a whole lot of weird nicknames...such as Amus and Aim. I'm 14 and live in the marvelous state of pennsylvania. I bet you didn't know that that means Penn's Woods. BUt you do now. I used to have another website but i deleted it by accident because i am an idiot.
I go to Downingtown 9th Grade is a cheap school. BUt i recommend you move here. I used to live in West Chester when i was really little, but then we moved to downingtown. I've moved two times in my life. That is enough moving for now.
My best friends are Laura, Lauren, Vickith, Kristen, Caitlin, and Leah. We always get together and run around my neighborhood. It's really fun. WE go to the movies and stuff like that but now the stupid movie theater raised it's prices so that got me really pissed. It used to be $7.50 but now it's $7.75
Can you believe that??? There is no way i am paying that much to see a stinking movie. GEez, half the time the movies are really bad anyways.
SO mostly now we go to Laura's house and trick her mom into giving us money for Ben & Jerry's. Then we walk around like retards stabbing the icecream with plastic bendable spoons. But hey, it's cheaper then $7.75. Sometimes we go into Eckerd but the people there are...let's just say not nice. But they always give us evil looks so usually we don't go there. Once we saw brent with his dad at wawa. He was getting pizza or something.
Holy crap, that was a long time ago. I wrote that in 9th grade in like, November or something. NOw im 16 and in 10th grade. Im gonna get my permit soon, so then i can be a reckless driver!! YEss!!!! no im gonna be a good driver. I don't want to die right now. Haha the movies are now $8.00, but we never go anymore so it doesnt matter. Right now its 3:13 on Monday April 16th, 2001. AND IM REALLY BORED. Its laurens birthday today. Happy Birthday Lauren.
I forget how to do html, so i don't know what this is gonna look like. This one time i worked so hard on fixing my guestbook cuz it was outdated or something and wouldn't work, and then my computer froze up and all the work went down the crapper. Doesn't that suck? Yes, yes it does Ame. Maybe i'll compose my email to John Von now... He's the overnight person on y100 and he's my hero. I have this srange obsession with him. He's prolly like, 40 or something. BUt i don't think so, he's too funny. Go to the webpage and read about him, he's a speeecial guy. I called him one time and told him i saw him at wawa in center city and i think he knew i was bullshitting him because he asked me how i knew it was him and i think i told him i saw a picture of him or something, i can't remember, and it turns out there is no picture of him on the website, its just a cartoon. But you would know that if you went there to read about him.