Some of my fave musicians!

Some of my fave singers and music groups!

HEY! You actually found my site! WOO HOO! Umm...yeah, anyways I'll tell ya a little bit about this page. Well, Its pretty much just a page of my fave singers/groups, and it has lots of pics, and info of just about everyone on the pics page. I also have a page dedicated to my friends, (You guys know who you are!:-) Anyways, I'm rambling on and on, and i want you to go check out the page so GO! NOW! and dont leave this site with out signing the guestbook! Its pretty damn empty!


Cool Links

Info 'bout the peeps on the pics page

Pics of my friends

Please Sign the GuestBook before you leave and let me know what you think about my site.
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If you have ICQ and wanna get in touch with me my number is 11311537.

This site has nothing to do with the people I have on it, its totally unofficial! Also, I am NOT these people, so i dont want to be getting e-mails telling me how good i sing and how you love my album, because i'm just going to delete it and the person it was intended for will NEVER recieve it. Sorry.


Please email me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. Thanks!

This site was created on May 7, 1999
Last updated: 1/17/00
Put up a Celine Banner
