<BGSOUND SRC="/brittany_rd14/aeris.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great.   ~Roger de Rabutin~ French Soldier & Writer
You are Guest Number
Since June 18, 2002
Last Updated on Nov 27, 2006
Info About Me:
~Name: Brittany Renee D.
~Mom: Nadine
~Dad: Johnny
~Fave Band: Kutless AND Casting Crowns (yea yea, couldn't choose just one)
~Fave Song: Who Am I by Casting Crowns (I know the sign language to it!! yay!!)
~Fave Color: Green & Blue
~Fave Place: Beach
~Fave Animal: Dolphins, Cats, Dogs (I can't choose just one! sorry...lol)
~Hobbies: Swimming, Singing, Reading, Going to Church, talking to

~My Best Friends: Mark and Sam
~Grade: not in a grade
~Fave Movie: Anything not boring
~Latest News:
Single again... why do guys always end up hurting me?
If you want to talk more about anything you've seen on this page e-mail me brittany_rd14@yahoo.com I'm willing to talk about anything and I'm a great listener. God Bless!!
Favorite Quotes