Just Like Heaven
Alicia's own "Shell of Empty Thoughts"

Welcome to my new, not necessarily improved page, where I pretty much do nothing.  Notice the background is baby blue now, not black :)! Maybe that means I'm happier.  Who knows, whatever it means, it's good.  After all, the most important thing in life is to be happy.  And this site makes me proud of myself (sometimes, hehe) which subsequently makes me happy. So, as long as this makes me happy, this page shall remain...although it is altogether meaningless.  Enjoy, and hopefully I'll make you "Live Again."
6/5 Alright, here's the deal.  I wanted to make an easier, less dizzying first page so my whole site would be easily navigable. Haha, I'm trying to make it less complex for all you non-Keystoners who don't understand my mad intellect.  So here's the page- I must say, quite boring in comparison to the old one, but hey, if you want to see it, go ahead.
6/13 Soo, I updated the page on Me since I'm sure so many of you are aching to read about my mundane life.  I also added a helpful "picture guide" on my Pictures page.  yeeees, I think you will like them.  La ta da what it is to be me
8/10 Well...I know I haven't updated in a while...what a bad girl I am.  But I did add some more pictures to the 8th pic page, and a camp pictures site is soon to come.
11/24  OKAY!!! I'm sorry guys, I'm really dumb  I sorta forgot I even had a page.  Well , tonight I remembered, and that's why you'll find a camp pictures section and most likely updates on everything else.  Right now it's thanksgiving vacation, I'm just chilling, and everything is at peace.  And guess what?  Watch out on the roads...you never know who you might see in her little red car.  :)
Hopefully the titles are self-explanatory, but there are always a few of us who just don't catch on :) (hint hint david).  SO, when you click on "About Me" you *gasp* see a page about me! In the "Friends" section I've made pages for all of my closest friends. They're rather cute, go see 'em.  In the "Pictures" section, I have quite a few pictures of myself and friends, and they're all amusing. The "rants" part is where I just vent on whatever is going wrong..  The "Quotes" section is quite special, in that it's *interactive* and I'd appreciate it if you sent in some nice quotes for me (my email is SashaD43@hotmail.com).  I already have a few stupid sayings my friends have come up with.  Then in the "music" section I have different recommendations and such.  Anyway, I probably love you if you're visiting my site, so many hugs and kisses to you. :)
About Me
My Friends