Last of The Mcflys are a indefinate piece, political, Back to The Future movtivated, noise making group from Billerica Mass

Rice- any and all talent
Chris BrAinWa$hEd- bangs on things and yells
Ryan Mcfly- shouts alot, and jugles


(all dates are subject to change)

Fri- Dec 10

Thirty Od Six, Dick and Janes, Mind Fluid, Osyris
Billerica Highschool, Billerica MA
(we are not actually on the bill for this show, but we will hopefully make a special appearance)

we are currently looking to play any shows we can, if any one has a house show, or show of any kind, and is interested please mail or call me. 663-2424 (chris)

You can contact us here

Last of The Mcflys

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