The 'Forgotten' Campaigns of World War II
The Italian and the Pacific campaigns of WWII were both longer and more bloody than the campaign in France, yet were largely treated as "backwater" campaigns by the allied high command. Without the lessons learned in the Italian Campaign, the combat experience gained, and the 'tying up' of German units that would otherwise have been available for service in France, the invasion of France might not have been successful. The war may have dragged on indefinitely, possibly even leading to a ceasefire that would have left Hitler still in power. The massive allied campaign in the Pacific not only saved much of the Far East from being under Japanese control, but also ensured that the Japs were unable to assist the Germans in any way.
"When you go home Tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow We gave our today"
Items of interest I couldn't make it too the Italian Campaign Reunion in Canada. If anyone managed to attend please let me know. Email Me
U.S. war widows,was your husband killed in WWII? You are now eligible to get a pension! Some are backdated!
Our peacekeeper veterans who served in Croatia are being wronged by our government. Click on the image above for more details.
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