01/21/03 I haven't blogged in a long time and of course a lot of stuf has happen.
1) I got my report card from Pace and I have "B" in all my classes. Pretty good cocidering i did
the minimum work required. "B MAN" would sound real good on my next licence plate.
2) i crashed the BMW. I'm OK but the car is completely totaled! I don't want to get into it,
2 words r more than enough - "it sux". If u wonder how i did it.. I'll just quote a
rear bumper sticker: "I'm wasn't driving fast, I was flying low."
3) I got a 2003 Civic. I'll have pictures when I finally decide to wash it.
11/7/02 So i found this huge porn archive; 4,500 folders of porn, maybe 15 pix in each folder.
The problem is that they allow HTTP but no FTP. Now downloading such a massive amount of files one by one
would take 4ever! The obvious solution was to write a small program that would open a lot of HTTP connections
and manage them. Well beeing a programmer and a risktaker that i am, and with some help from Ed
I did it! If u r really into porn and know some JAVA get the source code from here, compile and run ;-)
The program is written in Java and be4 u run each time u should change the limits of the outher for loop to the folders u want(100-4500).
I don't recommend u download all of them at once, it takes a while, maybe 50 folders a run is OK.
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