The Riff Randells

The Riff Randells Records...
                       On Mint                           
An Old Riff Randells photo...
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>Past Shows
w/ the Original Line Up of Mar, Kathy, and Anne-Marie

09/23/00 Horshoe Tavern, Toronto w/ Chixdiggit
09/01/00 Brickyard w/ The Makers
07/26/00 Show-Off Gallery, Bellingham WA w/ Weakerthans
06/17/00 Riley's Tavern, Regina w/ Real Slow Drag
06/16/00 Royal Albert, Winnipeg w/ Projector
w/ Sean
06/13/00 Transit Union Hall-107, Hamilton w/ Transylvania 500
06/12/00 Mindbomb, St. Catherines w/ The Banned
06/11/00 Molly's McGuire, Ottawa w/ The Chelseas & Chubb
06/10/00 Nantha's Kitchen, Montreal w/ Fuad and the Fezz-Tones
06/09/00 Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto w/ Carolyn Mark & The Corn Sisters
06/08/00 Ida's Kitchen, Kingston
06/05/00 The Apollo, Thunder Bay w/ The Dinks
06/03/00 Amigo's, Saskatoon
06/02/00 Night Gallery, Calgary w/ Knucklehead
06/01/00 New City Likwid Lounge, Edmonton AB w/ The Brewtals
05/19/00 The Other Place, Kamloops w/ The Hextalls & Burden
05/13/00 Brickyard w/ The Gruesomes
05/13/00 Cherry Bomb
04/28/00 Community Centre, Victoria w/ The Diskettes
04/27/00 Thursdays, Victoria w/ The Whip and Jackass
04/14/00 Java Joint, Surrey w/ The Radfords & The Spinoffs & JP5
04/02/00 In Steve's Garage, Kamloops w/ Murder City Devils & Closed Caption Radio
03/28/00 Rogers Daytime TV
03/26/00 Blackball Records, Nanaimo
03/25/00 Youth Centre, Comox w/ The Ewoks & Hudson Mack & No Goodnix
03/23/00 Show Off Gallery, Bellingham WA w/ The Sissies
03/10/00 Marine Club w/ Thee Goblins & The Pepper Sands
02/17/00 CiTR 101.9fm Thunderbird Radio Hell
02/12/00 Railway Club
02/11/00 Warehouse, Nanaimo w/ Maow & The Spinoffs
02/10/00 Thursdays, Victoria w/ The Spinoffs
01/19/00 Brickyard w/ The Orientals
01/14/00 Mar's House Birthday Party for Mar's Mom
12/18/99 Brickyard w/The Orientals & DSK
11/16/99 Railway Club-Shindig
11/05/99 Brickyard w/The Murder City Devils & The Catheters & The Come-Ons
10/26/99 Java Jive, Tacoma WA w/ Tennese Twin
09/26/99 Trout Lake Community Centre w/Hot Hot Heat & Parlour Maids Revolt & The Automovement
09/22/99 Piccadilly Pub w/The Kiss-Offs
09/21/99 Railway Club-Shindig
09/11/99 The Good Jacket w/The Come-Ons & Canned Ham & Lonnie James
09/05/99 Starfishroom w/Bis & Blurtonia
08/28/99 Starfishroom w/Flash Bastard & John Ford & The Maneaters