<BGSOUND SRC="AmyStudtJustaLittleGirl.MP3" LOOP="1">

My Music Page

Welcome to my almost wonderful music page.  I hope you enjoy my page so far.  Since I only get to add to it while I am not busy with school, it doesn't have too much yet.  Bookmark this page so you will be able to check and see this site when it has more stuff to offer.  Don't forget to sign my guestbook and vote for your favorite band or artist.  FYI: The icons above (2 boomboxes and the guitar) have links to my favorite bands: Limp Bizkit, KoRn, and Kid Rock so check them out if you get a chance.

Poll: Who is your favorite Band or Artist?

Poll Results (which don't include yours if you just voted)

Limp Bizkit


Kid Rock




Here are some links that I think are cool or are of things I created

Poll: What are your favs?
Results: What are your favs? My Poetry Page
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