Legs on Earth

Legs on Earth was a northern California band made up of four gorgeous foxes. And having been a band of four, Legs on Earth was: Josh Hill on guitar, Julian Imsdahl on bass and the mic, Spencer Seim on guitar, and Zach Hill on drums. In April 2000, they went on a hiatus. After changing a few things around and writing and praticing, they finally decided to bust-up for good (we think).

Legs on Earth has a CD on Para-Sight Records entitled, "Lasers and Saviors," and is fantastically full-length. If you would like to order a CD, please visit the Para-Sight page (link available on the links page here) and place an order. You can purchase LOE CD's at any of the following locations:

All Dimple Records locations
the beat--J St.
Manic--J St.

Do you like pictures? Here some old pictures.
Do you like show dates? There are no more show dates. Sorry.
Do you like links? Here are the links.
Do you like past show dates? Here are the past show dates.
Do you like to know where that venue is? Here's where that venue is.

This page was created by Alison Schmidt. All pictures were taken by she who acted as roadette, promo girl, mailing list girl, merch girl, surrogate mother, and surrogate lover to the phenomenal Legs on Earth. She lisses them every day.

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© 1997 legsonearth@cheerful.com