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My Duran Duran
Photo Album
**Note from the Webmaster**

All of the photos here were taken by people from all over the world and some by me as well. Please
DO NOT use any of them without permission from the photographers. If you have some photos that you would like to share and would like to post them here, feel free to contact me! I would love to help you showcase them. And on the off chance the guys of Duran ever stumble across this site, guys we love you and its all in fun. Without you there would be no pictures.. thus no site. :)
Welcome to my photo album. This is site is a collection of photos that I have collected from various people all over the world. The subject? Why the men of Duran Duran of course! I take pride in the fact that I have a HUGE collection of photos that are not the same photos you see over and over again. The photos on this site were not taken by professional photographers. They were taken by fans. THAT is what makes them unique. I love my collection and have decided to share it with other fans. All of the photographers have given me permission to post them on the web for you all to see and enjoy! You may even get a laugh or two out of them. Take time and enjoy what you see here. Remember that the people who took these photos are just like you! Fans!! They love the band just as much as you do! Most of all have fun!!
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Hits since 9/23/99
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