Jonathan David Jonathan David

Jonathan David News

Welcome to the official site of Jonathan David, author of the science-fiction thrillers, The Enemy Mind, Lucian Shadow and (coming soon) Motherland. The Enemy Mind, David's debut novel, explores the laws of spacetime and the boundaries of mental sanity while Motherland is a political thriller about the consequences of drastic decisions. Lucian Shadow is a mind-bending, apocalyptic epic curved on the idea of freedoms and the right to survive. David's novels are available at nearly all online bookstores, and his style is a no-holds-barred, in-your-face attack of the senses--the energy building from the first sentence through the last. Often politically-incorrect, David makes no apologies for his style.

"We live in a cynical world. All stories have a well-defined beginning and ending, but the real-life conclusion of our personal story isn't often black and white. 'Happily ever after' is a shortcut and an easy escape, yet I cannot honestly fathom a life that truly ends 'happily ever after'. Maybe that's why readers are sometimes 'surprised' by my material. I don't cheat them of reality."

Jonathan David
The Enemy Mind
Available now, don't miss The Enemy Mind. Crandall Cady is just an average family man who wants nothing more than to lead an average life. But a disk he discovers on a crowded sidewalk is about to change his average life forever. The contents appear to be a home video filmed four weeks from the day he discovers it, and the contents are of him. Would you like to know more?

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Lucian Shadow
Available now! Lucian Shadow. An epic battle resumes between the people of Zah and the mysterious Corlee. Zah's Royal Guard travels to the mythical city of Jadin in hopes of using the Lucian Shadow to seal their victory, but their overwhelming adversary cuts the hopeful army down with skilled fighters and careful strategy. In an age where the best weapons are clumsy swords, the Corlee is about to introduce something terrifying and unequivocally unstoppable. Would you like to know more?

Click your favorite online bookstore below to purchase Lucian Shadow: Rise of Corlee
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Lucian Shadow: Theory of Loravyre
Available now! Thoery of Loravyre. The epic battle between Zah and Corlee concludes. Young Skyler Kloss has developed into a fearsome leader, but his contract with Ayahalee has sealed his fate in the dungeons of the Corlee castle. The Corlee princess, longing for the devotion Skyler shared with Marrelia Zah, helps Skyler escape, and a three-way race against time ensues. To put down the growing Corlee power, Skyler must reach the city of Loravyre before his enemies. Ironically, as the epic journey unfolds, the line between allies and enemies becomes clouded, and the fate of good versus evil becomes shrouded beneath red heavens that cry tears of blood. Who are the heroes? Who are the enemies? How will the adventure end, and who will emerge victorious? Would you like to know more?

Click your favorite online bookstore below to purchase Lucian Shadow: Theory of Loravyre
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