IMPORTANT NOTICE!!*/font size**BR* *font size=3* DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL THE *VOODOO LOUNGE* WILL TEMPORARLY BE CLOSED, HOWEVER OUR SHOWS WILL BE MOVED TO DIFFERENT LOCATIONS (LISTED BELOW).WE WILL KEEP YOU POSTED ON PROGRESS. WE ARE SORRY FOR ANY INCONVIENCE THIS MAY CAUSE YOU.*/font size**/font color**BR* CLUB LISTINGS:*font color=*yellow***font size=3**b**u* SATURDAY JUNE 2-S.O.S-DRONE ELITE-ANTELUVIAN DOORS OPEN 9PM-$10 (AT THE RED ZONE 79-56 METROPOLITAN AVE. MIDDLE VILLAGE,QUEENS (CORNER OF 80 STREET)-(718)326-7496*BR* SATURDAY JUNE 9-SMACK FACTOR-FINSTER BABY-POINT BLANK DOORS OPEN 8PM-$10 (AT THE RED ZONE 79-56 METROPOLITAN AVE. MIDDLE VILLAGE,QUEENS (CORNER OF 80 STREET)-(718)326-7496*BR* SATURDAY JUNE 16-TO BE ANNOUNCED (AT THE RED ZONE 79-56 METROPOLITAN AVE. (CORNER OF 80 STREET)-(718)326-7496*BR* SUNDAY JUNE 17-*JASON BONHAM* & *HEALY SIXES* W/THE TIDES & MORE! (AT THE RED ZONE 79-56 METROPOLITAN AVE. MIDDLE VILLAGE,QUEENS (CORNER OF 80 STREET)-(718)326-7496*BR* FRIDAY JUNE 22-GENE LOVES JEZEBEL DOORS OPEN 7PM-$10 (AT THE RED ZONE 79-56 METROPOLITAN AVE. MIDDLE VILLAGE,QUEENS (CORNER OF 80 STREET)-(718)326-7496*BR* SATURDAY JUNE 23-PISTOL WHIPS-PILE OF HEADS RANDOM ROAD MOTHER & MORE! DOORS OPEN 8PM-$10 (AT THE RED ZONE 79-56 METROPOLITAN AVE. MIDDLE VILLAGE,QUEENS (CORNER OF 80 STREET)-(718)326-7496*BR* *font color=*red** OUR OTHER SHOWS WILL BE POSTED WITH NEW LOCATIONS TO SEE THEM, KEEP CHECKIN* BACK.*/font color* */font**/fontsize**/b**/u* *BR* (VOODOO LOUNGE) 47-29 BELL BLVD. BAYSIDE,QUEENS.N.Y DETAILS OR DIRECTIONS*(718)224-7576*BOOKINGS* (917)253-6647*BR**BR* *font size=4**font color=*white***b*ROCK BANDS WANTED FOR OUR*U* AFFILATE*/U* QUEENS CLUB, 18 AND OLDER PLEASE-JUST E-MAIL OR CALL BOOKINGS.*BR* LOOKING FOR BANDS TO PLAY AT THE CONTINENTAL IN N.Y.C*/font size**/font color**/b* */PRE* *html**bgsound src=* cowboysfromhell.mid** */html* *A HREF=****font color=white***b**u*CLICK HERE FOR GAMES. *IMG SRC=* .gif***/A**/b**/u* *html* *BODY BGCOLOR=*#OOOOOO*text=*#FFFFFF** *!--LINE2--* *IMG SRC=*/pictures/icons/lines/rainbow_thinline.gif** *p* *IMG SRC=*** *!--LINKS--* *P* *IMG SRC=* ** Links to other sites on the Web *p* *!--LINK1--* *IMG SRC=*/pictures/whiteball.gif***A HREF=***POLICY/ UPCOMMING NATIONALS/TIX:*/a**BR* *!--LINK2--* *IMG SRC=*/pictures/whiteball.gif** *A HREF=***DIRECTIONS/LOCALS: */a**BR* *!--LINK3--* *IMG SRC=*/pictures/whiteball.gif** *A HREF=***BIG AL'S SITE: */a**BR* *!--LINK4--* *IMG SRC=*/pictures/whiteball.gif** *A HREF=*** MUSIC 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