Hi, I'm Lori...

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This web site features one of my favorite bands:

My summary of Ghost Rider, Travels On The Healing Road:

I found this book to be both very sad some times and very funny at other times. I'm glad that his little baby soul has finally found happiness as a complete person, instead of the remaining splintered person he had become. After losing the desire for anything and everything that had anything to do with the man he was, with the exception of his love for nature and bird watching, he took his pain, his best friend Brutus(even if only in his heart), and headed for the highway. After 55,000 miles he finally found himself. He also found more than that. Through all the highways, road construction, rain, wind, bugs(boy, did I get a visual of that!), occasional recognitions, letters, and ferry rides, he was able to begin to heal. Along with trips to the house on the lake, visits to and from family and friends, and necessary trips to the local BMW shops came the mishaps with his bike, the conversations about his former life, and the personal doubt he had about his future. After all those miles he finally found the one thing he needed most. He found Carrie.

Congratulations to you guys, even though it's 4 years later!

By the way, I loved Neil's love for nature and his interest in birds. His knowledge of each specie was impressive. But I have one question?

What's up with all the "sayin'"?

This book is a must!

Email me at p.parkgmom@verizon.net
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