Welcome one an all to my NEW LOOK WebShit!!! You'll
find everything that was here before but now its layed out better and hopefully i dont
have all the trouble of the fucking pictures going ski-wiff and all that fucking shite!!
Just a few
weird pics of me to get you started with the "Whats this tossrag look like
them??" saying
OKAY now after that, ON WITH THE
This page started all the way back in
August i998 ish, well i cant remember now its that far back, well i cant even remember
last Tuesday or what i had for dinner 3 days ago for that matter , but since then i have
been doing stuff that may have me thrown off geocities like nudity and swearing and
classroom killings in certain stories that NO ONE READS!!! but am i bitter????? YES I AM!!
so read em!!! but now onto the buttons an shit that will guide u all round my lovley
Just one other thing! if you are
easily offended
You are a cunt!! Offended? GOOD!!