NicK Carter
Welcome to Nick Carter fantasy. This
site is all about the youngest Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter, and only about
him. There will be very little reference to the group in general, mainly
just Nick. So, if you like another boy better(a lot better) or wanna see
a site about the whole group, go to
and search for something else.
Check out When you're done at my site!
More coming soon!
Questions? Comments? E-mail me!
I AM IN NO WAY RELATED TO BSB OR THEIR MANAGEMENT!!!!! I HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH THEM AND I AM NOT THEM!!! Sorry bout the caps but it's irritating to have your mailbox filled up by people thinking you are the bsb(or nick) when you're not. Now, Nick has his own personal site that i found through Aaron Carters official site(so i know it's really him). So, if you would like to see Nicks own site and leave messages for him in his guestbook the url is Alright??

Nick Carter fantasy's sister sites: