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This site is kept up-to-date. Links that have been updated
will be marked with: The last
update was on: May 16th, 2005.
Quick News:
No news on an exact release date for the new album yet, but according to Aftonbladet.se Malin will be back on this one!!!
According to Aftonbladet.se, Jenny has joined another band project called 'Arose'. So with that plus her solo album and the new Ace album, she's one busy lady!
Congrats to Jenny and Jacob who are expecting their first child in July
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The Hallo Boards are still down, but drop by the new official site for up-to-the-date info! Drop By to catch up on all the latest AoB news and gossip!
This site is a winner of the Majon Award for Excellence!
This site now featured in MediaGrab! Version 3.6 from East Bay Tecnologies. "MediaGrab! is used for finding and downloading media files from the web, Usenet and more."