Welcome to Meridith's Web World!

Hey ya'll! Thanks for taking the time to visit my own little corner of the web!
If you're new to the place, then hang tight and check out a few of my pages. I've
got a little bit of everything around here so more than likely you will find
something or another that interests you.
As you may or may not know, I'm currently a freshman at NC State University, and
as of right right now my major is Civil Engineering. However, pretty soon that may
change because I'm really starting to get interested in education specifically teaching
English, Art, and/or Spanish at a high school or college level. I'm also on the NCSU
Crew Team where I alternate between seats 3 and bow which also means (for those
of you not familiar with rowing) that I'm a starboard (aka My oar rows on the left hand
side of me.) For more a more in depth description of me and my crew stories please
check out my crew page.
I'm also very interested in poetry, writing, and all other humanitarian arts. Pretty
soon I hope to post some of my poems and essays that I've written this semester as well
as last semester. Kudos to Mrs. Joplin, the only teacher that ever truly taught me what
writing is all about.... expression.
Well I'd love to sit here and ramble on and on as I am right now, but I've got more
to create! If you're interested in emailing me then please do!
I love getting emails from all over the world and I love to talk so rest assured I'll always
have plenty to say. For those of you with ICQ, my ICQ number is 23077510.
I hope to hear from you soon! God Bless!!!!!!
Within My Pages You Will Find...
My Crew Page
Joe McIntyre is STILL a hottie!
Link to My Friends'
Other Places of Interest
NC State University
NC State University
Rower's World Online
Nike Rowing Camps