This is my short!

Xanadia is the place I call home.
This is a digital Island located at the edge of space and time.
(So I think)
Beautiful it is,
I never saw a place like it.
 Earth is old and boring, over populated and just plan old boring.
 I was a crab back at earth, just didn’t know how to deal.
What’s real what’s false, and what’s not?
That was the question that I had.
When I lived on earth, I would see the same person over and over
 (clones of each other).
Maybe it was the government, maybe it was me,
or just the people’s way of having spirituality.   
I would say; it was the matrix.
But I had already found the matrix.
This was something different, something surreal something new.
The people there were out for them self’s.
I think it had been that way before the 90’S

Ha… they killed that planet! And knew they where doing!
The people in power didn’t care  

I am glad I found my way here.
 I must have been in a coma; because I don't know.
I seam to not even remember the last thing that I was doing back at earth.

But I must say! I do love it here; the tempter is great.
The sun is plentiful of vitamins; hot bright blue in color.
The vitamins in the sun, blesses your body with health and nurturance.
Thus the need to eat is obsolete.

But the best part about this NewFoundLand.
Is the moist cool breeze that blows from the solar wind that aids the ocean air flow.
You can even smell the Hydrating ocean air.
It seems to leave a mist all over my body.
In this process the air provides you with H2o.
 I think that my theory is correct, I never have the need to want water.
 the smell the crisp sent of the near by super novas fills the air.

The sky is aqua blue the grass is neon green, the water flows red
this must be heaven because hell was earth.
This place is so beautiful nothing could ever go wrong.
Forever this new place is my home.

 Beautiful it is.
As of now, I think that I am the only one here.
I say that because I haven't heard a vocal cord since I landed here in 3050.
At this point it's imposable to know for sure if I am alone.
I have to encompass the island to know for sure.

The only thing that I did find was a really old United States flag.
That had piles of black tar leading into the distance.
The Piles kind of resemble a pattern.


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