Markus Homepage
"Als sich die bleiche Erde auflöste und ich
auf sie hinabschauen wollte, sah ich vor
dem Hintergrund kalt blinkender Sterne
nur die sterbende Sonne und die blassen
Planeten, die um ihre Schwester weinten...
Gott ist im Chaos gestorben!"
Pervertum, "Creature of Ungod"

1st Free Url Submission Service

People have visited this page since the last counter reset on July 20th, 1998
- last modified:
- February 29th, 2000
- Finally the lyrics page is now online
- November 24th, `99
- If you think my page sucks than maybe you`re right. No update and a lot of dead links and sound files for almost one year. Hey, but what do you expect from such a lazy guy like me. I hadn't time and motivation to work on my page. But finally there is an update: I`ve added another concert (Marduk, Cannibal Corpse, Aeternus, Angelcorpse, Darkane, Defleshed) to my photo gallery. But the lyrics page I`ve anounced isn't up yet. But there is a link to the files whilst the page is still under construction.
- March 13th, `98
- New Sound files (Darzamat)
- April 2th, `98
- New concert photos (Atrocity & Haggard)
- New Sound files
- June, 29th, `98
- Page has moved again (aaaarrrggghhhh... I hate that)
- July, 16th, `98
- New Sound files (Impaled Nazarene, Satyricon, Gorgoroth, Enslaved, Borknagar, Dimmu Borgir)
- Some new links (Bookmark-Page)
- July, 20th, `98
- Internal changes of the site structure