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My name is Carlos Humberto Juarez Gosselin. I was born October 20, 1983 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Now I live in Kingsport, Tennessee. I have a really cool brother Marcos, a great mom, Karen Gosselin, and a great dad, Carlos Juarez. I play the drums, play football, run track, wrestle, rollerblade, and I am very involved in my church. I go to Dobyns Bennett High School. Go Indians! Music is one of my favorite things . I listen to everything.

One hobbie I am busy with is playing the drums. I have played with some friends in my basement and at my school. The band that was started in my basement consisted of four people. Travis McKinney and Nathan Hawkins playing the guitars, Jason Boyd on the bass, and me on the drums. We made up one song. The other semi-band that I was in was for a school dinner theatre. The band was Clint Davis and Ross Anglen an the guitar and again Jason Boyd playing the bass, and I played the drums. We performed four songs already written. My history in drums started in the sixth grade. I played percussion for the school band , which got to go performe at the Mall of America. Then I played in seventh grade again for the school band. In eighth grade I got a drum set for Christmas, but didn't play for school. The other thing that i like to do is wrestle. The title that I have gotten in wrestling was first in the state for the 145 weight group and for age it was the cadets.

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