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Sabina & Laura's Backstreet Boys Webpage
Last updated: March 2, 1999.
To all those fans out there...ALWAYS remember:
This website is dedicated to the best group in music - the Backstreet Boys. This page was started on April 18, 1998. It is currently and will always be under construction, so please keep coming back to see what has been updated. Any comments or suggestions that you have for us would be great, so please take the time to sign our guestbook, because we really want know what you think.
Come visit our News and Rumors section to check out the new info we heard about their new CD.
If you have recently been to a concert during the Backstreet Summer Tour, please send us an e-mail telling us what it was like. Full credit will be given to the fan. Thanx.
To anybody out there who doesn't like the Backstreet Boys, please refrain from any negative comments about them. We respect your right to have an opinion so please do the same and respect ours.
To everyone out there who has been e-mailing us, THANKS! Keep those e-mails coming, we appreciate all the help that we get from you guys! :0) Don't forget to join our mailing list for the biggest news and updates!
Our updates - We updated the News and Rumors section. We added a concert review sent in by a visitor to our website. Come take a look at it! We are also in the middle of updating our Fan List, so if you've submitted your name and it's not posted yet, don't worry, it's coming.
For the most important Backstreet updates join our mailing list. You'll recieve e-mails when we know of big events that they'll be at, or any other important info. Also when we make big changes to our page.
Check out these cuties that we got from Caitlin's World Of Ty!
The Pillars of Peace Official Homepage!
Have You Seen Ben Affleck's New Hit, Armageddon? Make Sure You Pick Up A Copy Of The Soundtrack!
Do You Have All The Backstreet Merchandise That You Want? Angry Because You Can't Get A Single That Isn't Featured In Your Country? Visit CD Now For Backstreet Clothing, Videos, Singles and Much More
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You can write them at:
Backstreet Boys
P.O. Box 618203
Orlando, FL
Backstreet Fans Have Visited Our Site Since April 18, 1998
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Please don't leave any offensive messages. If any of your messages insult the Boys, the fans, or us, keep in mind that we can always edit them.
Do you have any comments, questions, or suggestions on how we can make our site better? Please send us your feedback.
Thanks for visiting Sabina & Laura's Backstreet Boys Webpage. Come back soon to check out our updates.