I just decided one day to redo my old sorry hompage, so I finally did. This is what came out! Hey! Thanks for coming to my homepage! Glad that you could take time out of your busy schedule to make it. *smile* So, I guess I should tell you some stuff about me? Let me see what I can conjure up. I'm around 5'10" and weigh in at 160 lbs. I have BLONDE hair and have BLUE eyes. You can go to my "pic" page and see what I look like. If ya wanna take that extra time! *smile* I am very very very into sports and love to play them! I love baseball the most. It's what I've been playing for 12 years! I'm the pitcher on the high school baseball team. And when I'm not pitching, I'm catching. I love to play baseball almost as much as I love my gf. That's ALOT too! My second sport is TAEKWONDO. Some people don't call martial arts a sport, but you can get hurt in this as easy as you can on the football field. I've broken my arm in Taekwondo! I'm now a 1st degree black belt. It only took me 4 years! WOOOHOOO! I'm so happy! That is my job too! I teach Taekwondo to all those little kids. All the Bruce Lee wanna be's and it's so much fun! I love it. I also play football, basketball, and golf. I have been picked in the top 50 players in baseball in the state of Alabama, that must say SOMETHING about me. I hate to bragg! I think it's just another way of saying I'm the best and you suck! I absolutely hate it. Let me see what else I can think of. I'm 16 now. Turned 16 on the 6th of October, 1998. I drive a Chevy 4x4. Red! DA BOMB! Anyway! I'm running out of ideas to put here so if you can think of anything you wanna know, just tell me and I'll add it. I love fast cars! I grew up in the fastest car in my town. A 1969 Ford Mustang MachI. It was sooooooooo fast. But to alot of people, that means NOTHING! What else? I am not just a jock though. I have a G.P.A. of around 3.5 out of a possible 4.0. But at the same time, I'm not a nerd. I have a gf if you must know and we've been going out for over 6 months and 16 days(as of Valentine's Day). Her name is Jennifer and the first time I laid my eyes on her, it was love. The first time I talked to her, we both knew it was meant to be. *smile* I love her more than I do anything in the world! ANYTHING! She's what keeps my life RUNNING! I'm a big AUBURN TIGER fan. I have been an AUBURN fan for around 16 years!
I'm gonna let you go as you please on your own. Please stop by my guestbook and the other pages! Merci!